How to choose who builds your site.
It's a good question, and one that isn't entirely easy to answer. I've noticed a trend in the last several years. Agencies who really don't have an interest in doing a deep dive into website design and development just can't pass up the opportunity to take on the extra project. It's hard to say no to the extra profit, but a solid, self-aware firm will turn down your site if they know that they don't have the resources to do it correctly.
How much can you spend?
Be honest. If this isn't one of the first questions that you get asked, beware! Don't let it scare you – just be prepared to have an actual number (or range). That will help them determine if they're a good fit, and it will help you as well. Playing the "well we're just getting quotes" game doesn't do either of you any good in the long run.
Be smart. Think of it like building a house. You give the architect/builder an amount you want to spend, then you expect them to stay within that range. If you ask for an extra kitchen halfway through the project, they're going to tell you that it will cost extra.
Ask These Questions
What CMS (Content Management System) will they use? (This is the subject for another article entirely, but I'll keep it short).
Is their CMS proprietary?
If the answer is yes, then you should run far and fast. A proprietary CMS is dangerous territory, and sadly, utilized to get you to commit for a low price up front, only to charge you the full price in the years after. There are very few good reasons for a firm to offer you a custom CMS (that they build and and must support). If you don't ask this question (arguably the most important one), before you know what's happened, you're handcuffed. And here's the real kicker. If for some reason you choose to go with another company in the following years, you will not be able to take the site with you and re-use elements. You will be forced to start over completely. Think of it like moving. You’ll be able to take the dishes (your content, in this case) but that’s it. Everything else will have to be re-built from the ground up. Incurring what will most likely be an expense equal to the first time you embarked on the project.
Are there any ongoing costs?
Once your website is built, it will need to be hosted (most agencies offer this option) Typically this is billed annually. If you plan on updating your site internally, you most likely don’t need a maintenance agreement. But if you prefer to have them make updates for you, make sure you are both very clear on what is being provided for the monthly retainer fee.
You also want to make sure that you retain the domain name for your site under your account. Trying to wrestle that from the control of a 3rd party at a later date can be a challenge.
Who have you worked with?
Get a list of references, and then call those people. Ask them what it was like working with the company. Did they return your phone calls? Were they on-time with deliverables? Did you feel like they pushed back when needed?
Stay Laser Focused
Don't be lured in by the shiny pretty things. There is a time and a place to have a really swanky office, pool tables, beer fridge and all of that, but don't make your decisions based on those things. They should be icing on the cake. The crux of the matter is that you want a qualified company to build you a website, and build it in a manner that you can maintain it yourself and actually own it.
Beware of "overpromisers."
If someone tells you they can solve all your problems and more, ask for specifics. Sadly, there are some out there that will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you on the hook, knowing that when they can't deliver you'll feel handcuffed to them by time and money spent.
You get what you pay for.
A company with deep website design and development experience will charge accordingly. They know how to deliver what is best for your business or organization. Building a website, even a seemingly simple one, shouldn't be inexpensive. If you view it as an investment in your business, you can rest assured it will be done correctly, and with you in mind. Always be wary of the individual that promises you the most amazing website of all time, and then comes back with a low price. If it seems too good to be true, it most definitely is. Quality work deserves quality compensation. It's that simple. Expect a very simple website to start somewhere in the neighborhood of $3,000 to $5,000.
Expect the absolute best.
A sound investment deserves an excellent ROI. The agency you choose to do the work should be very clear with what they will deliver, how they'll deliver it, and on their timeline.
Get it on paper.
This might seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at how many companies would rather do handshake business. Contracts can be a little tedious, sure, but it is in your best interest and theirs to have something on paper. Odds are you'll never see it again after you start the project, but it's there if you ever need it.
So, which company is the right one?
It’s perfectly normal to enter these projects with some apprehension. If you ask a lot of questions and provide as many answers and insights as you can (including your budget range…seriously), you’ll be off to a strong start. There are a lot of talented people out there that can help you realize your goals. Be willing to keep looking if you don’t find the right fit on the first try.